* Excavators

* Loaders

* Graders

* Tri-Axle Dump Trucks

* Rollers

* Plate Tampers

* Bulldozer

* Lull

* And many others!!

If you want a quote and/or wish to get more information, feel free to contact us.

We have a solution for all your site work needs

Earthwork Services

* Site Demolition              * Backfilling

* Clearing and                   * Grading

      Grubbing                     * Subgrade

* Import/Export Fill           * Building Pads

* Excavation and              * Curbing

    Embankment                * And much more!!


* Drainage Systems

* Water Systems

* Sanitary Systems

* Fire Systems


Residential and Commercial Site Work

List of Equipment

developing a stable foundation
is essential to building on solid ground

As  a site work contractor, we do more than provide earthwork and utilities services and the equipment to get the job done.  We provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to make your project a success.


CLD employs only the most well versed, well rounded, and hard working employees. You will absolutely love the work we do for you.  We take great pride in what we do.


 need site development? let us help.

Utilities SErvices